Monday, March 31, 2008

When I die, I want Lance Henriksen to narrate my life story.

Been a while, Cherished People.... Figured I'd sit down and plotz a few things into my "blog" [ that's still a dumb word...thanks to the drunk who came up with that one so it would stick ]. &nbs...

Saturday, March 29, 2008

What happened to Lance Henriksen?

Twitch (which has always struck me as the perfect name for a website) has a bunch of stills and a trailer up for French Argentinian horror ‘Dying God’. As a mixture of 70’s giallo and 80’s gore it has the right music and evisceration ...

Losing My Religion Ringtone

Sunday, March 23, 2008

SMBTM11 - The Ending

SMBTM11Want to download the songs from the Soundtrack?(Note: I don't have ALL the songs) NOTICE: All content is copyright of its original owner.I

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Trailer for IN THE SPIDER'S WEB, available On Demand starting April 6th.In this World Premiere movie, misguided travelers become the bait for a bizarre group of spider worshipers, hell-bent on attract

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Mass Effect Coming to PC [Not Quite Exclusive] (Addict 3D)

Mass Effect may still be a 360 console exclusive, but come May of this year PC gamers will be getting their own taste of BioWare's epic space RPG.